If I could create my own creature I'd make a robotic and futuristic duck with a huge cyborg eye about as big as a regular rubber ball. The Duck's diet would consist of metal and most unfortunately chromebook chargers. It would also live in a savannah as people would be afraid of it. It moves using gears inside the feet to slide around like everything is made of ice, it likes chromebook chargers and dislikes tangled wires (doesn't anybody?) Its personality is.... exactly, it doesn't even have one.
Wednesday, 31 March 2021
Thursday, 25 March 2021
Jai's Feautures of a Community LCS
This is my LCS (learn-create-share) for the week, its a series of tasks you need to complete for the week!
JAi's T1 W7 Reading
These are my tasks that I have done for the week, do you like my blog?
Changing the Future
If i could change anything i would do a bunch of things for my own convenience but that's not what we need, that's what I WANT. You see, needing something is different from needing something. That could be from from stopping racism to making earth a better place. I would change the way people think different about each other because of their SKIN COLOUR, I would also change the fact that millions of litter end up in the ocean.
Wednesday, 24 March 2021
Thursday, 18 March 2021
Jai's outer space writing
I look outside the window
As I stare outside at the gloomy void of space i realise one thing, “Are there other forms of civilization out there?” I whispered. The next day i found something truly mouthwatering, no I’m serious. There was an undiscovered planet completely made of chocolate. when my crewmate stepped in he sunk in like he was in quicksand, only that its quicksand. As I make my way across the gooey wasteland I manage to find a cave in this unordinary planet, the stone and moss was covered in hotdogs and tin pots? This planet was crazy as there were tiny hints of civilization across the wasteland. When it turned night I didn’t risk a single thing and left ditching this planet and everything inside it.
Jai's W6 T1 Reading task
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Thursday, 11 March 2021
Wednesday, 10 March 2021
My Minecraft House | Minecraft Club

this is a view of my new house I've made in minecraft! I have joined minecraft club and recently have been working on a project which is this house!
Tuesday, 9 March 2021
Liam & Jai's Reading week 5 2021
This is a slide about unknown words and how to tackle them