
Friday 17 September 2021

Key Competency Award Winner Week 8

Congratulations to Jai for being our key competency award winner this week. Jai adds value to our online class discussions by explaining his thinking. Tino pai! From Miss Kwok

Thursday 12 August 2021

Jai & Liam's Froggy Facts


Jai's T3 W3 Reading Slides


Why sports is better than music

 Some people may think that music is better than sports, and although that is their opinion, sports has so much more benefits.

Firstly, sports makes you run around and actually socialize, and while that's happening you'll probably lose a bunch of weight!

Secondly, there are many varieties of sports such as rugby, touch, tennis, soccer, squash, and so much more.

Thirdly sports relieves so much stress. When you get involved in sports, you take your mind away from school homework and all that work.

Conclusion: Some people may think that music relieves stress, but unlike sports you could get so many cuts and blisters. If schools were to stop sports events, there would be a lack of muscle development in students. Sports is also great practise for strength, speed, and agility. Schools need more sporting events for the physical and mental wellbeing for students

Monday 9 August 2021

Jai's LCS Paper Planes


Hello! this is an LCS about paper planes. We were given a set of challenges to complete with our planes!

Friday 6 August 2021

Jai's Activity Sheet Stage 7 Fractions Overview

Fractions, Proportions and Ratios

Stage 7 Overview 

I can solve stage 7 problems.  

Learning Outcome: I can...

Problem to solve 

Thinking and Answer

Use a range of  multiplication and  division strategies  to solve problems  with fractions,  


and ratios.

1. Convert the following improper fractions to mixed number  fractions: 

a.214 = 5 ¼

b. 152 = 7 ½

C.2710 = 2 7/10

2. Convert the following mixed numbers into improper fractions: a. 4 2

b. 3 12 = 7/2

c. 3 35 18/5

3. Write these fractions in their simplest form: 

a.515 1/3

b. 1025 2/5

C.416 1/4

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Fractions, Proportions and Ratios  

4. Find the missing number in these to make these fractions  equivalent: 

a.25 = ?20 = 5

b. 58 = ?40 =10

c.56 = 25? 5

5. In a bag of marbles, we find blue  marbles, red marbles, and yellow  marbles in a ratio of 6 : 1 : 2.  If the bag of marbles contains 22  yellow marbles, how many marbles  are there in total?

Thinking:   blue red and yellow in ratio of 6:1:2. 22 yellow  then how many in totally 22 divided by 2 = 11 meanin they times it by 11, so then there are 99

Answer: 99

Convert and  

rename common  fractions, decimals  and percentages.

6. Fill in the blanks so the fractions, decimals and percentages are all  equivalent: 

Fraction Percentage Decimal 

2 0.5 = 1.05

75% 0.75 = 0.50

10% = 10???

0.25 = 0.5

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Fractions, Proportions and Ratios  

Can find fractions  of whole numbers  using multiplication  and division facts.

7. There are twenty one bottles of  honey for sale and three sevenths  have sold? How many jars have  been sold?

Thinking:  21 bottle 3/7 sold are sold. 3x7=21 so 7 are sold

Answer 7

8. There are forty trees in the orchard  and four fifths of them are apple  trees. The rest are pear trees.  

How many apple trees are there?

Thinking:  40 trees ⅘ are apple 

Rest are pear

Answer: 32 are apple and 8 are pear

Can add and  

subtract fractions  with the same  

and different  


9. Rachel ate one eighth of the cake.  Leo ate five eighths of the cake.  How much cake is left?

Thinking:  rachel ate ⅛ leo ate ⅝ 6/8 gone

Answer: ¼ 

10. In the surfing shop, 25 of the  surfboards are shortboards and 310 are longboards. What fraction are  either shortboards or longboards?  Show your working out.


Thinking:  ⅖ shortboard 3/10 long 7/10

Answer: 7/10 total 3/10 short 4/10 long

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Fractions, Proportions and Ratios  

Compare fractions  using < > =

11. Use the < > = signs to compare these fractions: 


b. 710<910 


d. 58<34

Order mixed  


12. Put these fractions in order from smallest to largest. 17 5

3 1

2 14 4     48 6

4 2

4 3???

Hello! These are a set of challenges set to me by my teacher, this sheet contains a lot of fractions, in fact its even stage 7! 

If you need help for kumon maybe you could take some notes. (all of them aren't exact so feel free to correct me)

Thursday 5 August 2021

Why we need a new senior playground

 Dear: Mr. Tetzlaff, the current state of the playground is really dangerous.

First of all, the poor choice of color and material is really poor and risky. if someone were to trip and fall, they'd go straight to the Sick Bay. Maybe you could've gone with something softer than steel?

Secondly, there's absolutely no fairness. The junior playground is massive, its even decked with a rock climbing wall, a few small square huts, and most importantly a massive circular tube!

Don't even get me started on the middle school playground.

They have so much stuff that I can't even list them all off! They have a swing, an obstacle course, a slide, and a spider web!

Thirdly, its very boring. Not only the color scheme, but the actual contents are boring! All there are is 2 risky heights which keep in mind, are restricted. and some monkey bars...

Lastly the heights are unrestricted, in the playground you could be pushed by a kid at any moment. By the way, if you're on duty look under the rock climbing wall in the senior playground.